Indian Names

What's in a Name...
Just this morning.. I found myself awake at 6:30, on my day off... I decided to take advantage of this. My dad was sitting in "his" chair, just as every other morning, sipping his coffee having the necessary "wake-up time". I have this as well... but mine looks much different than his. However.. this morning, I didn't have to worry about that. Like I said, it's my day off.
So I sat. Not long after I welcomed myself next to him, in his char, he began to talk. My dad is a very insightful man. So much so, after I talk with him, I feel as if I should run to scribble down notes to whatever he had to say.. being sure not to forget it. This morning was no exception. He began to talk about indian names. Which seemed pretty random to me, until he began to explain.. then it of course, all came together, and I realized it did, in fact, pertain to what I had to say.
So.. sit down, and I will shower you with the notes I managed to scribble, after a conversation with my dad.

Indians.. though there's much about them I don't understand, even having some in me (Choctaw and Cherokee) they are very interesting. Dad was explaining to me, the different stock they place in a name. They have several, afterall.. there must be some meaning, right? I'm not sure why I had never thought of this.. I guess that's what dad is here for.
First.. the tribal name. As I mentioned; Cherokee, Choctaw, Sioux (Pronounced SUE.. Still trying to convince a fellow student of this, in history class) and there are many others..
Then.. their 'Public Domain' name, if you will: "Chief Big claw" "Little bear" "wise turtle" ... almost anything (Did you enjoy my choices? quite fun!)
Finally... the top secret name! I won't give any examples of this.. That could get a little personal. Basically, this is a secretly of theirs (obviously) that they share only with those, whom they are very close to. One that is entrusted upon this person, with their life. This is something that they don't take lightly. They believe that once you know their secret.. you hold a certain power over them.

Now let's break this down.. and find the significance.
First of all.. your family. Whether you like it or not, that's our "tribal name" these days... is that going to trip you up? most do believe you have some of your parents in you.. whether that's a good or bad thing.. you decide. You can always change yourself.. but it's hard! think on your strong points, or weaknesses, and learn to work with that.
Secondly think of this: How are you perceived by others? what is your 'Public Domain'..? I know, your name, (Tamara, Gwen.... etc) but there's more than that. Are you known for gossiping, showing up late to places, having a potty mouth.. or, do people think of you and say "She's very smart", "Oh, I love her, such a sweetheart".. Food for thought. In a small town like this.. your reputation can be what makes you, or breaks you. Almost everyone knows someone who works at the school. Do you get in trouble, cheat on tests? if so.. the place you just put in an application to, may be aware of that.. now, you're going to have to rise above your already tainted reputation. If you don't start off on a good foot.. you'll have to work twice as hard to be thought well of.
Finally... the secrets.
"You're only as sick as the secrets you keep"
When you share that with someone.. as the indians believe, they hold a power over you. They could tell others, and ruin that chance at a job, they could loose trust in you, respect you more, they could use it as black-mail.. the possibilites are almost endless. This is why parents are always leary of who they let spend the night, or who you're hanging around.
"Birds of a feather, flock together"
Also.. think of this.. (the more encouraging side) those same secrets, that you decide to, or not to tell others.. could MAKE you, or BREAK you.. we've already spoke on how it could BREAK you.. But there's another side to this coin. That power that they can hold over you, through your secrets.. you hold it as well. You have power to overcome your mistakes.
"You're not the mistakes you've made"
 "Don't judge a man by a moment of weakness."
You can tell those secrets that you're better now, you're moving on.. you can break the ties they have on you.. There's a song I like.. Not sure of the title, or artist. But I'm sure you've heard it too. He says "I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be".. Let that be your motto, when the secrets are playing over and over, in the back of your mind.You own your reputation. And more than that, you could be what determines  the reputation of someone else.. be gentle. Think of what you would like them to say of you. Only tell necessary truths. Don't stretch, because you don't like them.. that doesn't mean that others can't. They'll more than likely find things out on their own. Give them that opportunity. If someone went to everyone you knew, and told them all your mistakes.. imagine how it would make you feel.

Amazing isn't it..?  who would have thought, All this, in a name..


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