Everything has it place... even a Clishe'
"You Find what you seek"
" Stop to smell the roses"
"Life is what you make it"
"it's the little things in life"
"You're only as sick as the secrets you keep"
"It aint nothin' but a thing"
"Don't make permanent decisions based on temporary problems"
"There's always tomorrow"
"Somewhere over the rainbow"
Sometimes, you hear something.. and because you have a thousand times before, you disregard it. However, if you would, I would like to encourage you, to accept them, not for what they are on the surface.. rather the meaning. I know if you're honest, you'll admit to using one of these. Granted, you may of thought to yourself "Gosh, that was cheezy" afterward. Still. We've tried to console someone with the very words we've thought "Lame" to. Can we symbolically relate this to judging people, by their appearances, or stereo-typing? give everything, and everyone it's chance.
"Every rose has it's thorn"
just as every person has struggles, hurts.. or whatever else. Get to know people for who they really are. Learn to 'judge'- if you must- based on character. Not appearances..
Yes.. that was another one.
"Don't judge a book by it's cover"
But it's true.. as I'm asking you to do this.. I will as well. And I know. It seems silly to make this relate back to cliche's. But as I said, we all use them. My hope is next time you do, you'll remember this.
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