Money thoughts

 I’ve never had much money.. I was raised from a young age to be very frugal. I was the oldest of 5 kids and we were a one income family. I grew accustomed to hand-me-downs, thrift stores, never eating out, not going on vacations, used cars, sharing a room.. etc. I never knew anything else.

Fast forward to now- at 28, mom of 3- I’m still very frugal  it’s mostly out of necessity but really I don’t mind it.

I think managing your money is JUST as important as having more money. 

I know a lot of people who are considered “poor” to some or middle class- but in my eyes they live like royalty.. not because they have all the things, but rather because they choose to invest their money where it matters or pay off debt.. pad their savings account. 

I’ve never been impressed by fancy cars or giant houses.. sure, they are nice but I try very hard to guard my heart from jealousy and discontentment. Looking at what others have and comparing it to your own things is usually going to leave you feeling empty. I would much rather be grateful for what I have and make the most of it. 

I’ve learned over the years after getting closer to people that the world sees as “rich” they are typically just drowning in debt.. which is a price I’m simply unwilling to pay- all to impress people. 

I hate the concept of “keeping up an image” I’ve never pretended to be someone I wasn’t and I don’t see a point in starting any time soon. 

I’m blown away by the amount of adults who cannot control their spending habits.. their impulses. We tell our children no- why can’t we tell ourselves no?

So many people don’t have a budget.. or don’t stick to one. 

I hear all the time “I can’t afford _____” but then you look at their life.. they can afford to smoke, shop, eat out, have a nice car.. etc. They have money for what is important to them- but it’s draining the life out of them and taking the money they could have.

So many people live paycheck-to-paycheck. 

Look, I know it sounds like I’m preaching.. and I guess I am, but I’m not saying anything that I can’t 100% back up with actions. I am poor. I make minimum wage and have 3 children. I tell myself no pretty much everyday.. I force myself to cook instead of eating out- because it’s cheaper. I drive an older car- because it’s cheaper. I choose to put money in savings instead of buying the cute shoes- because that’s more important. 

It’s ok to limit yourself on spending, limit yourself on going out, limit yourself on belongings.. if you are hanging out in crowds where your STUFF impresses people/keeps them around, they aren’t the right people. 

I look at character, Humility, practicality, people who are thinking/planning for the future. 

I have some friends who are very well off- good jobs, no kids.. They could EASILY be living it up- but instead, they have very practical cars, a practical home, budget their money.. they have even managed to pay off debt! To me- their financial decisions are SO smart! I look at who they are as people- how they have chosen to live- and I see THAT as what makes them rich.. not their jobs. 

There are so many people in this world who could be so much further in life if they could just prioritize their spending/saving. 

Who owns you? Your debt? Or are you free?

Take a good, hard look. I dare you!


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