You seem to think that you hold the cards, you seem to think that you're in control. But I have some say in this. I'm the woman in this situation, you're no longer in charge.
I can make my own choices, and they don't have to involve you. I've hid this fact so long, I was afraid to admit it was true, but now I know your game, I've got some new tricks, they're no match for yours, but they'll provide a fair fight, if nothing else, a little more time.
You've been a huge part of me for so long. I had told my self, the better part.... but you were the reason that I chose not to be strong, because I learned to cope, I made you my source of false hope, then when you left, a piece of me did too. I fell to the ground. Not knowing what to do. Now I'm getting up, and I'm doing this without you, I'll show you I can be strong, I can rock your world too.
I'm shaking off the dust, and putting on my smile. No looking back, I'm moving on. I'm a new woman, no longer a child.
Let's hope this lasts, because I never want to feel the way you made me feel again....
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