Advice in poem form...

get to know yourself, and learn who your up against,
where will you get, if you don't know your own weaknesses? and strengths! - knowing this can take you to far lengths...
what will you understand, if you don't make plans?
where will you go, if you've no direction..?
travel the narrow road- always use common sense-and the Good book as protection.
don't let anyone fool you.
always walk in the truth.
don't be looked down upon, because you are youth.
stay strong, live long
laugh hard, love without cause.
don't forget to take a moment every once and awhile to just pause.. keep your mind open, smile often.. don't let yourself get brokenhearted. share your feelings.
be understanding, not reprimanding.
give yourself some space, slow down, don't be so eager to chase everything.
give things time, never lie!!
be sincere- always be willing to lend an ear.
Treat them the way you'd like to be treated. And remember, everyone likes to be needed. All of God's commandments are meant to be heeded, so don't blow them off by saying "Who needs it??"...


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