Everyone has their own idea, of what perfect is,
what the most important things in life are... if you ask me, what the most important thing in life is, I will, in a heartbeat, tell you that in my opinion it is; TIME!
While others may think that it's money- or – family- love- trust- faith- ...the list goes on...it differs with each person
Money- can be taken away, replaced, lost, earned.. it isn't permanent.
Love- can be damaged.
Trust- can be lost.
Faith- can be jaded...
Family- can pass away.
See, the way I look at it, TIME is kinda like the Mayor of our lives, here on earth. It has a LOT of say, in what goes on in our lives,.
with time:
Our families, can pass away, or grow...
Trust, can be lost..or gained
Faith, can be tested one day, strengthened the next...
Money, we can earn it, or go bankrupt.
Love, can be tattered, hears shattered.
but time, time is permanent, it's final. If you spend time with someone, you can't get upset with them, be an Indian giver, and take it back. Once you've spent time with someone, given it' away, that's that.
Time is something we have to manage on our own. We are responsible for how we do and don't manage our time. Time is something you have to live with, and at times, without. We have to learn to spend it w
isely, unlike money, it can't be earned back, after we spend our paycheck. At the same time, we can't chose NOT to spend it, time is all around us, in everything we do... Then, once we have spent it, it's gone, forever. We can't take back what we said, or did..
So, if I find someone in life, who is willing to spend their precious time with me, with no regrets, no wishes, to take it all back. I will consider myself one of the luckiest girls in the world, because it is then, that I have found myself with something permanent, something that no matter how hard I try, I can't escape from.
Something that's everything to me. Time...
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